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The Haero Driver

The standalone driver program haero_driver provides a simple way to explore the capabilities of Haero. It's a simple single-column model with a bundled one-dimensional dynamics package. With it, you can

  • run single-column aerosol simulations
  • perform statistical analysis on ensembles consisting of several columns
  • conduct time-step convergence studies to build confidence in Haero's mathematical algorithms and their implementations
  • select specific aerosol processes and parametrizations to examine in isolation, to debug or verify a given algorithm
  • study how the aerosol processes interact with one-dimensional dynamics and other simplified physical process representations

In this chapter we describe the driver and its capabilities.

Column Dynamics

We use a one-dimensional (vertical) atmosphere and tests of increasing complexity.

Let \(z=z(a,t)\) denote the trajectory of the particle labeled \(a\) that arrives at physical position \(z\) at time \(t\). The label \(a\) is the Lagrangian, or material, coordinate. Particle trajectories are defined by

\[\begin{equation} \label{traj} \deriv{z}{t}(a,t) = w(z(a,t),t), \end{equation}\]

where \(w(z,t)\) is the vertical velocity.

In the following sections, it will be convenient to formulate \ref{traj} in terms of the geopotential \(\phi(a,t) = gz(a,t)\),

\[\begin{equation} \label{geo_traj} \deriv{\phi}{t}(a,t) = gw\left(\frac{\phi(a,t)}{g},t\right). \end{equation}\]

Adiabatic column dynamics are described by the 1D Euler equations for a moist atmosphere,

\[\begin{align} \totd{w} &= -g\left(\frac{1}{\rho}\partd{p}{\phi} + 1\right), \label{momentum}\\ \totd{\rho} &= - g\rho \partd{w}{\phi}, \label{eq:continuity}\\ \totd{\theta_v} &= 0, \label{eq:thermo},\\ \totd{q_v} &= 0, \label{eq:qv} \end{align}\]

where \(\rho\) is density, \(p\) is pressure, \(\theta_v\) is the virtual potential temperature, and \(q_v\) is the water vapor mass mixing ratio. As in \cite{Taylor2020}, we treat virtual potential temperature \(\theta_v\) as a material invariant.

The momentum, continuity, thermodynamic equation, and transport equation (respectfully) combine with \ref{geo_traj} and the equation of state

\[\begin{equation}\label{eos} \frac{p}{\Pi} = \rho R \theta_v, \end{equation}\]

to define the complete system. Above, \(\Pi = (p/p_{ref})^{\kappa}\) is the nondimensional Exner pressure, with constant \(\kappa = R/c_p\), where \(R\) is the dry air gas constant and \(c_p\) is the specific heat of dry air at constant pressure. We have 6 prognostic variables (\(\phi, w, \rho, \theta_v, q_v, p\)), and 6 equations. The boundary conditions are \(w(0,t) = w(z_{top},t) = 0\).

The advantage of the Lagrangian frame of reference imposed by \ref{geo_traj} is that the material derivative becomes an ordinary time derivative, \(D/Dt = d/dt\). Hence, for the remainder of this note we simply use \(d/dt\) in our notation.

We begin with an ansatz that the velocity has a simple form,

\[\begin{equation}\label{z_vel} w(z,t) = w_0\sin\frac{\pi z}{z_{top}}\sin \frac{2\pi t}{t_p}, \end{equation}\]

where we have introduced parameters for the maximum velocity, \(w_0\), the top of the model column, \(z_{top}\), and the period of oscillation \(t_p\). This velocity satisfies the boundary conditions and the initial condition, \(w(z,0) = 0\). We assume that this velocity is valid for all time throughout the whole column, from \(z=0\) to \(z=z_{top}\). In terms of the geopotential, \ref{z_vel} becomes

\[\begin{equation}\label{eq:phi_vel} w(\phi,t) = w_0 \sin \frac{\pi \phi}{g z_{top}}\sin\frac{2\pi t}{t_p}. \end{equation}\]

Since velocity is prescribed, it does not need to be prognosed. This eliminates \ref{momentum} from our system of equations \eqref{eq:1d}. Our goal is to derive the other variables associated with 1D motion in a non-hydrostatic column so that we have consistent dynamics and thermodynamics.

Substituting \ref{phi_vel} into \ref{geo_traj}, we discover a separable ODE,

\[\begin{align} \deriv{\phi}{t} &= gw_0\sin\frac{\pi \phi}{g z_{top}}\sin\frac{2\pi t}{t_p},\\ \Rightarrow \int \csc\frac{\pi \phi}{g z_{top}}\,d\phi &= g w_0\int\sin\frac{2\pi t}{t_p}\,dt, \end{align}\]

whose solution is

\[\begin{equation}\label{phi_sol} \phi(t) = \frac{2gz_{top}}{\pi}\arctan\left[\tan\frac{\pi \phi_0}{2g z_{top}}\exp\left(\frac{w_0t_p}{z_{top}} \sin^2 \frac{\pi t}{t_p}\right)\right]. \end{equation}\]

![Geopotential \(\phi(t)\) for \(\phi_0 = gz_0\) and \(z_0\) values listed in the legend, with parameters \(w_0=5\), \(T_{v0}=300\), \(\Gamma_v=0.01\), \(z_{top}=20000\), \(t_p=900\).]](images/geopotential_plot.pdf)

We use \ref{phi_vel} to find the divergence, which is required by the continuity equation \ref{continuity}

\[\begin{equation}\label{div} \partd{w}{\phi}(\phi,t) = \frac{\pi w_0}{g z_{top}}\cos\frac{\pi \phi(t)}{gz_{top}}\sin\frac{2\pi t}{t_p}. \end{equation}\]

Substituting \ref{div} into \ref{continuity}, we find another separable ODE:

\[\begin{align} \deriv{\rho}{t} &= -\rho \left(\frac{\pi w_0}{z_{top}}\cos\frac{\pi \phi(t)}{g z_{top}}\sin\frac{2\pi t}{t_p}\right)\\ \Rightarrow \int \frac{1}{\rho}\,d\rho &= -\frac{\pi w_0}{z_{top}}\cos\frac{\pi \phi(t)}{z_{top}}\int \sin \frac{2\pi t}{t_p}\,dt. \end{align}\]

The solution is

\[\begin{align} \label{density} \rho(\phi(t),t) = \rho_0(\phi_0)\exp\left[\frac{ w_0 t_p}{2z_{top}}\left(\cos\frac{\pi {\phi}(t)}{gz_{top}}\cos\frac{2\pi t}{t_p}-\cos\frac{\pi {\phi_0}}{gz_{top}}\right)\right]. \end{align}\]

Density \(\rho(\phi(t),t)\) for \(\phi_0 = gz_0\) and \(z_0\) values listed in the
  legend, with parameters \(w_0=5\), \(T_{v0}=300\), \(\Gamma_v=0.01\),
  \(z_{top}=20000\), \(t_p=900\).

To find the pressure, we use \ref{density} in \ref{eos}:

\[\begin{align} \frac{p}{\Pi} &= R\rho(\phi(t),t)\theta_v(\phi(t),t),\notag \\ p(\phi(t),t) &= \left(p_{ref}^{-\kappa} R \rho(\phi(t),t)\theta_v(\phi(t),t)\right)^{1/(1-\kappa)}.\label{eq:pressure} \end{align}\]

Pressure \(p(\phi(t),t)\) for \(\phi_0 = gz_0\) and \(z_0\) values listed in the
  legend, with parameters \(w_0=5\), \(T_{v0}=300\), \(\Gamma_v=0.01\),
  \(z_{top}=20000\), \(t_p=900\).

Physical interpretation

Physically, the ansatz \eqref{eq:z_vel} may be interpreted via \ref{momentum} as defining the balance between buoyancy, the pressure gradient force, and gravity to be

\[\begin{align} -g\left(1 + \frac{1}{\rho}\partd{p}{\phi}\right) &= \deriv{w}{t}(\phi,t), \notag \\ &= \frac{2\pi w_0}{t_p}\sin\frac{\pi\phi}{gz_{top}}\cos\frac{2\pi t}{t_p} + \frac{\pi w_0^2}{2z_{top}}\sin\frac{2\pi\phi}{gz_{top}}\sin^2\frac{2\pi t}{t_p}, \end{align}\]

where the right-hand side is the time derivative of \ref{phi_vel}.

It is most straightforward to derive this interpretation by decomposing the pressure into a constant, hydrostatically balanced reference state with a superimposed perturbation \cite{KlempWilhelmson1978,Srivastava1967,SoongOgura1973} so that \(p = \overline{p} + p'\). Combining this decomposition (and similar treatment of temperature and density) with the equation of state leads to a formulation of the total pressure gradient as the background hydrostatic balance plus a perturbation due to nonhydrostatic buoyancy. In \cite{KlempWilhelmson1978,Srivastava1967,SoongOgura1973} this arises as quadratic terms of the perturbation variables are neglected. It is interesting that a similar (though not equivalent\footnote{Taylor et.~al.~\cite{Taylor2020} retain the full form of the pressure gradient, without a linearization.}) term arises in \cite{Taylor2020} as a result of the choice of a vertical mass coordinate based on hydrostatic pressure.


Initial conditions are defined by stationary, \(w(\phi(0),0) = 0,\) hydrostatic balance with a constant lapse rate in the virtual temperature profile, and exponential decay in the water vapor mixing ratio.

The initial virtual temperature profile is defined by two parameters, \(T_{0}\) and \(\Gamma_v\) (with default values 300K and 0.01 K/m, respectively),

\[\begin{equation}\label{tv} T_{v0}(z) = T_{0} - \Gamma_v z. \end{equation}\]

Using \ref{tv} with \(p=\rho R T_v\), an equivalent form of the equation of state \ref{eos}, the hydrostatic equation \(\partd{p}{z} = -\rho g\), and separation of variables (again), we derive expressions that relate initial height to initial pressure:

\[\begin{align} p_0(z) = \begin{cases} p_{ref}\exp\left(\frac{-g z}{R T_{0}}\right) & \Gamma_v = 0,\\[0.5em] p_{ref}\, T_0^{-g/(R\Gamma_v)}\left(T_{0} - \Gamma_v z\right)^{g/(R\Gamma_v)} & \Gamma_v \ne 0, \end{cases} \label{eq:p_of_z}\\[0.5em] z_0(p) = \begin{cases} -\frac{R T_{0}}{g}\log\frac{p}{p_{ref}} & \Gamma_v = 0,\\[0.5em] \frac{T_{0}}{\Gamma_v}\left(1 - \left(\frac{p}{p_{ref}}\right)^{R\Gamma_v/g}\right) & \Gamma \ne 0. \end{cases}\label{eq:z_of_p} \end{align}\]

It follows that the initial virtual potential temperature profile is defined as

\[\begin{equation} \theta_{v0}(z) = T_{v0}(z)\left(\frac{p_{ref}}{p_0(z)}\right)^\kappa. \end{equation}\]

The initial water vapor mixing ratio profile is also defined by two parameters, \(q_0\) and \(q_1\), with default values \(q_0=0.015\) kg H\(_2\)O / kg air and $q_1 = $ 1E-3 m\(^{-1}\), as

\[\begin{equation}\label{init_qv} q_{v0}(z) = q_0e^{-q_1 z}. \end{equation}\]

Initial densities are defined as

\[\begin{equation} \rho_0(z) = \frac{p_0(z)}{R\,T_{v0}(z)}. \end{equation}\]

Discretized Column

The Haero column is defined by first setting the required parameters using the haero::driver::AtmosphericConditions class. These include the model top \(z_{top}\), maximum vertical velocity \(w_0\), and velocity period \(t_p\) in \ref{phi_vel}, the initial virtual temperature profile \ref{tv}, and the initial water vapor mixing ratio profile \ref{init_qv}.

In the Haero driver, we emulate the vertical grid staggering used by the HOMME-NH dynamical core \cite{Taylor2020}, which has \(n_{lev}\) levels and \(n_{lev}+1\) interfaces. Levels are indexed by integer values \(k\), for \(k=1,\dotsc,n_{lev}\) and interfaces are indexed by \(k+1/2\), for \(k=0,\dotsc,n_{lev}\).

In the haero::driver::HostDynamics class, geopotential and vertical velocity are defined at interfaces:

\[\begin{align} \phi_{k+1/2}(t) &= \frac{2gz_{top}}{\pi}\arctan\left[\tan\frac{\pi \phi_{k+1/2}(0)}{2g z_{top}}\exp\left(\frac{w_0t_p}{2z_{top}} \sin^2 \frac{2\pi t}{t_p}\right)\right], \label{eq:phi_disc}\\ w_{k+1/2}(t) &= w_0 \sin \frac{\pi \phi_{k+1/2}(t)}{g z_{top}}\sin\frac{2\pi t}{t_p}. \label{eq:w_disc} \end{align}\]

Similarly, density, virtual potential temperature, water vapor, and pressure are defined at level midpoints

\[\begin{align} \rho_k(t) &= \rho_0(\overline{\phi_k}(0))\exp\left[\frac{ w_0 t_p}{2z_{top}}\left(\cos\frac{\pi \overline{\phi_k}(t)}{gz_{top}}\cos\frac{2\pi t}{t_p}-\cos\frac{\pi \overline{\phi_{k}}(0)}{gz_{top}}\right)\right], \label{eq:rho_disc}\\ \theta_{vk}(t) &= \theta_{v0}(\overline{\phi_k}(0)/g), \label{eq:thetav_disc} \\ q_{vk}(t) &= q_{v0}(\overline{\phi_k}(0)/g), \label{eq:qv_disc} \\ % p_k(t) &= \left(p_0^{-\kappa}R \, \rho_k(t)\,\left(\theta_v\right)_k(t)\right)^{1/(1-\kappa)}, p_k(t) &= \left(p_{ref}^{-\kappa} R \rho_k(t)\theta_{vk}(t)\right)^{1/(1-\kappa)}\label{eq:p_disc} \end{align}\]

where the constants \(g = 9.8\) m/s\(^2\), \(p_{ref} = 10^5\) Pa, and \(\kappa = 0.286\); the overline denotes an average, \(\overline{\phi_k}(t) = (\phi_{k-1/2}(t) + \phi_{k+1/2}(t))/2\).

Users may opt to initialize a column with uniform spacing in either height or pressure (at interfaces), or to specify their own height or pressure interfaces via an input .yaml file. The model top is defined by \ref{z_of_p}.

Unit tests verify the expected 2nd order convergence of the centered finite difference methods used by both HOMME-NH and the Haero driver, and that layer thicknesses sum to the correct values \(z_{top}\) and \(p_{top}\), as shown in the figure below:

Vertical finite difference verification. Clockwise from top left:
  hydrostatic balance, hypsometric layer thickness, sum of height thicknesses,
  sum of pressure thicknesses.

Layer thickness

Layer thickness in height units is computed directly as

\[\begin{equation}\label{z_thick} \Delta z_k = \left(\phi_{k-1/2} - \phi_{k+1/2}\right)/g, \end{equation}\]

which reflects the true thickness of a model level in our non-hydrostatic model. However, some legacy parameterizations require thickness defined in pressure units. To support these parameterizations, we compute hydrostatic_dp as a member of the HostDynamics class.

This calculation begins by defining the hydrostatic pressure \(p_H\) at each interface, \(p_{H,k+1/2} = p(\phi_{k+1/2}/g)\) using \ref{z_of_p}. Then the layer thickness is computed as

\[\begin{equation}\label{p_thick} \Delta p_{Hk} = p_{H,k+1/2} - p_{H,k-1/2}. \end{equation}\]

Hydrostatic layer thickness

Pressure thickness is computed via the hydrostatic approximation.

The interface hydrostatic pressures \(p_H\) are stored as a private variable, to prevent users from mistaking them for the full non-hydrostatic pressure.

Creating a Haero atmosphere

The above dynamics are motivated by the input requirements of the various parameterizations. These are encapsulated by the haero::Atmosphere class, which requires temperature, pressure, height, and relative humidity data. We already have pressure and height.

Temperature may be diagnosed using the approximation given by \cite[eq.~(2.3)]{KlempWilhelmson1978},

\[\begin{equation}\label{approx_temp} T_k(t) \approx \frac{\theta_{vk}(t) ~ \Pi_k(t)}{1+\alpha_q ~ q_{vk}(t)}, \end{equation}\]

with constant \(\alpha_q = 0.61\).

Temperature for the same parameters as in the figures for the geopotential,
  density, and pressure, with the additional parameters \(q_{0}=6\)E-3,

We compute relative humidity as \(s = q_v/q_{vsat}\), where \(q_{vsat}\) is the saturation mixing ratio. We use the Tetens equation to find \(q_{vsat}\) \cite[eqn. (A1)]{SoongOgura1973}, \begin{equation}\label{eq:tetens} q_{vs}(T) = \frac{380.042}{p}\exp\left(\frac{15}{2}\log(10) \frac{T-273}{T-36}\right). \end{equation}

Temperature for the same parameters as in the figures for the geopotential,
  density, and pressure, with the additional parameters \(q_{0}=6\)E-3,

Time Stepping

The above dynamics are associated with the following tendencies, the right-hand sides of \ref{geo_traj} and \ref{1d}

\[\begin{align} \dot{w}(\phi,t) \equiv \totd{w} &= \frac{2\pi w_0}{t_p}\sin\frac{\pi\phi}{gz_{top}}\cos\frac{2\pi t}{t_p} + \frac{\pi w_0^2}{2z_{top}}\sin\frac{2\pi\phi}{gz_{top}}\sin^2\frac{2\pi t}{t_p},\\ \dot{\phi}(\phi,t) \equiv \totd{\phi} &= gw_0 \sin \frac{\pi \phi}{g z_{top}}\sin\frac{2\pi t}{t_p},\\ \dot{\rho}(\phi, t, \rho) \equiv \totd{\rho} &= -\rho \frac{\pi w_0}{z_{top}}\cos\frac{\pi \phi}{g z_{top}}\sin\frac{2\pi t}{t_p},\\ \dot{\theta_v} \equiv \totd{\theta_v} &= 0,\\ \dot{q_v} \equiv \totd{q_v} &= 0, \end{align}\]

where the dot denotes differentiation with respect to time.

Simple microphysics

A simple cloud model with warm-rain microphysics, often called \emph{Kessler microphysics}, is summarized in \cite[ch.~15]{RogersYau}, which references \cite{Srivastava1967}. It introduces mass mixing ratio tracers for cloud liquid water \(q_c\) and rain water \(q_r\) and source terms for the dynamics equations. We use \cite{SoongOgura1973,KlempWilhelmson1978} as additional references. We adapt this microphysics model here to match the HOMME-NH dynamics variables.

The two new tracers are advected passively by the dynamics (without source and sink terms) in the same manner as water vapor,

\[\begin{align} \dot{q_c} \equiv \deriv{q_c}{t} &= 0,\\ \dot{q_r} \equiv \deriv{q_r}{t} &= 0. \end{align}\]

Microphysical parameterizations define approximate source and sink terms to correspond to a select (incomplete) set of physical processes, as described below.

Vertical velocity

The vertical velocity \(w\) is adjusted to account for loss of buoyancy due to the mass of suspended liquid water,

\[\begin{equation} \dot{w} \pluseq -g(q_c+q_r). \end{equation}\]

Evaporation and condensation

Our first step assumes unsaturated air, \(q_v \le q_{vs}\), where \(q_{vs}\) is the saturation mixing ratio defined by \ref{tetens} using the temperature computed by \ref{approx_temp},

\[\begin{align} \dot{q_v} &\pluseq E_{cv} + E_{rv}, \\ \dot{q_c} &\minuseq E_{cv}, \\ \dot{q_r} &\minuseq E_{rv}, \\ \dot{\theta_v} &\minuseq \frac{L}{c_p \Pi}(E_{cv} + E_{rv}), \end{align}\]

where \(E_{cv}\) and \(E_{rv}\) denote the evaporation rates between cloud liquid/water vapor and rain/water vapor, respectively.

\[\begin{equation}\label{cloud2vapor_evap} E_{cv} = \begin{cases} q_c & \text{if } q_v < q_{vs} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} \end{equation}\]
\[\begin{equation} E_{rv} = \begin{cases} \frac{(1-q_v/q_{vs}) C_{vt} (\rho q_r)^{0.525}}{\rho 5.4\text{E}5 + 4.1\text{E}6/e_s(T)} & \text{if } q_v < q_{vs} \text{ and } q_c = 0 \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} \end{equation}\]

The ventillation coefficient \(C_{vt} = 1.6 + 5.7\text{E-}2V_r^{3/2}\) for rain falling at speed \(V_r\) relative to the air, and \(e_s(T)\) is the saturation vapor pressure for a planar liquid water surface at temperature \(T\). The latter two values are approximated as \cite[eqn.~(15))]{SoongOgura1973}, \begin{align} V_r & = 36.34 (1\text{E}3\rho q_r)^{0.1364} \text{ m/s},\ e_s(T) & = 6.1094\exp\left( \frac{17.625 (T-273)}{T-29.96} \right)\text{ hPa}. \end{align}


The exponent 0.1364 in the fall velocity expression is as written in \cite[eqn. (15)]{SoongOgura1973}; in \cite[eqn.~(2.15)]{KlempWilhelmson1978} it's written as 0.1346.

The authors of \cite{KlempWilhelmson1978} modify the expression used in \cite{SoongOgura1973} to include a reference density term (and make a similar modification to the ventilation coefficient). Since this modification is unrelated to the exponent, we have assumed that 0.1346 is a typographical error and we use the value from \cite{SoongOgura1973} in this work.

A second step \cite[eqns.(A7)--(A10)]{SoongOgura1973} conducts an adjustment for supersaturated air, \(q_v > q_{vs}\), after the time stepping procedure implied by \ref{evap} is finished.

Let these values be denoted by a star: \(\theta_v^*\), \(q_v^*\), \(q_c^*\), etc.

Define the factor \(r_1\), \begin{equation} r_1 = \left(1 + \frac{237 a\Pi q_{vs}^}{(T^-36)^2}\frac{L}{c_p\Pi} \right)^{-1}. \end{equation}

Then the adjusted values are given as

\[\begin{align} q_v &= q_{v}^* - r_1(q_v^*-q_{vs}^*),\\ \theta_v & = \left(\theta^* + \frac{Lr_1}{c_p\Pi}(q_v^*-q_{vs}^*)\right)\left(1 + \alpha_v q_v\right),\\ q_c &= q_v^* + q_c^* - q_v. \end{align}\]


Autoconversion of cloud liquid into rain only occurs in the presence of sufficient cloud water droplets. Here, "sufficient" is defined as greater than a constant critical value, \(q_c^{(crit)}\), and \cite[eqn.~(12)]{Srivastava1967}

\[\begin{align} \dot{q_c} &\minuseq \alpha_{auto}(q_c - q_c^{(crit)})_+,\\ \dot{q_r} &\pluseq \alpha_{auto}(q_c - q_c^{(crit)})_+, \end{align}\]

where \(\alpha_{auto}\) [1/s] is the inverse of the autoconversion time scale and \(q_c^{(crit)}\) is a user-defined parameter. In \cite{SoongOgura1973}, \(\alpha_{auto}=1\text{E-3}\) s\(^{-1}\) and \(q_c^{(crit)} = 1\text{E-3}\).


Accretion describes the capture of cloud water droplets by rainwater droplets. As in \cite{SoongOgura1973,KlempWilhelmson1978}, we use

\[\begin{align} \dot{q_c} &\minuseq \alpha_{accr}q_cq_r^{7/8}, \\ \dot{q_r} &\pluseq \alpha_{accr} q_c q_r^{7/8}, \end{align}\]

with \(\alpha_{accr} = 2.2\).

Rainwater sedimentation

\[\begin{equation} \dot{q_r} \minuseq \frac{1}{\rho}\partd{}{z}(\rho V_rq_r) \end{equation}\]

At the model top, this term is zero.

Turbulent mixing

We modify sub-grid scale turbulence mode of \cite{KlempWilhelmson1978} to use a simple Smagorinsky turbulent eddy mixing coefficient,

\[\begin{equation} K_m = \sqrt{2}\left(\frac{7l}{50}\right)^2 \abs{\partd{w}{z}}. \end{equation}\]

The additional source terms are \cite[eqns.~(3.15)--(3.16)]{KlempWilhelmson1978}

\[\begin{align} \dot{w} &\pluseq 2 \partd{}{z}\left(K_m \partd{w}{z}\right) - \frac{20}{3 l^2}K_m\partd{K_m}{z},\\ \dot{q_v} &\pluseq 3\partd{}{z}\left(K_m\partd{q_v}{z}\right), \\ \dot{q_c} &\pluseq 3\partd{}{z}\left(K_m\partd{q_c}{z}\right), \\ \dot{\theta} &\pluseq 3\partd{}{z}\left(K_m\partd{\theta}{z}\right). \end{align}\]

Embedded parameterization