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\[ \newcommand{\dsub}[1]{_{_{#1}}} \newcommand{\specidx}{L} \newcommand{\amass}[1]{q\dsub{m,#1,i}} \newcommand{\vmass}[1]{q\dsub{v,#1}} \newcommand{\mw}[1]{M\dsub{w,#1}} \newcommand{\rsag}{\rm H_2SO_4} \newcommand{\sag}{H_2SO_4} \newcommand{\rasf}{\rm SO_4} \newcommand{\asf}{SO_4} \]


This section contains definitions of important terms and mathematical quantities used in Haero.


Here are terms you may encounter when reading about Haero's aerosol processes.

  • Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN):
  • Precursors:
  • Secondary Aerosols:

Mathematical Notation

The following symbols are used in equations within Haero's aerosol processes. Relevant units are given in square brackets next to their symbols. [-] indicates that a quantity is unitless.

  • \(T\): air temperature [K]
  • \(p\): air pressure [Pa]
  • \(M_s\): molecular weight of chemical species \(s\) [kg/mol]. Note that \(M_{air}\) = 28.966\(~kg~\)\cdot\(~kmol\)^{-1}$ in E3SM.
  • \(\mathscr{R}\): universal gas constant [J/mol/K]
  • \(R_s = \mathscr{R}/M_s\): gas constant specific to species \(s\) [J/kg/K]
  • \(c\dsub{air} = \frac{p}{\mathscr{R}T}\) [kmol air / m\(^3\) air]: molar concentration of dry air
  • \(\rho\dsub{\specidx}\) [kg/m\(^3\)]: density of species \(\specidx\) (gas, liquid or solid). The volume used to calculate the density is the volume of air in which the species is suspended.
  • \(i\), \(j\) [-]: indices of log-normal modes
  • \(I\) [-]: total number of log-normal modes
  • \(D\dsub{p}\) [m]: particle diameter
  • \(N\dsub{i}\) [#/m\(^{-3}\)]: number concentration of particles in mode \(i\)
  • \(n\dsub{i} (D\dsub{p})\) [m\(^{-4}\)]: size distribution of aerosol particles in mode \(i\), expressed as a function of \(D\dsub{p}\) (\refeq{n_Dp})
  • \(n\dsub{i} (\ln D\dsub{p})\) [m\(^{-3}\)]: size distribution of aerosol particles in mode \(i\), expressed as a function of \(\ln D\dsub{p}\) (\refeq{n_lnDp})
  • \(n\dsub{norm,i} (\ln D\dsub{p})\) [-]: \(n\dsub{i} (\ln D\dsub{p})\) normalized by the mode's number concentration \(N\dsub{i}\)
  • \(D\dsub{gn,d,i}\) [m]: geometric mean of dry particle diameter \(D\dsub{p}\) in mode \(i\)
  • \(D\dsub{gn,w,i}\) [m]: geometric mean of wet particle diameter \(D\dsub{p}\) in mode \(i\)
  • \(\sigma\dsub{g,i}\) [m]: geometric standard deviation of \(D\dsub{p}\) in mode \(i\)
  • \(V\dsub{d,i}\) [m\(^3\) particles/m\(^3\) dry air]: volume concentration of dry aerosol particles in mode \(i\)
  • \(V\dsub{w,i}\) [m\(^3\) particles/m\(^3\) dry air]: volume concentration of wet aerosol particles in mode \(i\)
  • \(V\dsub{\specidx,i}\) [m\(^3\) species \(\specidx\)/m\(^3\) dry air]: dry volume of species \(\specidx\) in mode \(i\)
  • \(q\dsub{n,i}\) [#/kmol]: total number mixing ratio of particles in mode \(i\)
  • \(\amass{\specidx}\) [kmol species \(\specidx\)/kmol dry air in microphysics, kg species \(\specidx\)/kg dry air in dry/wet deposition]: mass mixing ratio for aerosol species \(\specidx\) in mode \(i\)
  • \(\rho\dsub{d,i}\) [kg dry aerosol particles/m\(^3\) dry aerosol particles]: density of dry aerosol particles in mode \(i\)
  • \(\rho_{w,i}\) [kg wet particles/m\(^3\) wet particles]: density of wet aerosol particles in mode \(i\)
  • \(\vmass{\specidx}\) [kmol species \(s\)/kmol dry air in microphysics, elsewhere kg species \(s\)/kg dry air]: mass mixing ratio of gas vapor species
  • \(\Delta t_{phys}\) [s]: time step size for aerosol physics