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The Haero Library


Haero is designed to provide a modal aerosol capability to an atmospheric model written in C++ and/or Fortran. It makes no attempt to describe or evolve any atmospheric phenomena outside of aerosols. Instead, Haero evolves the state of aerosols within a modal aerosol model as part of a broader atmospheric host model: a mathematically consistent description of the atmosphere.

To use Haero in your own host model, you write code to interact to construct a modal aerosol system and invoke aerosol processes on that system. Haero gives you all the flexibility and control you need to define how the aerosol processes couple with and interoperate with the other processes in the host model. In this sense, Haero is a set of building blocks you can use to construct the most appropriate modal aerosol representation for your host model.

Haero provides an interface for running aerosol processes to evolve a set of state data within a single atmospheric column. You can evolve several columns in parallel, as long as state data is provided for each column.

All quantities in Haero are specified using the International System of Units (SI) unless otherwise specified. In both code comments and documentation, we place square brackets indicating units after the description of a quantity (e.g. simulation time [s]).

Aerosol Systems

Haero's representation of aerosols relies on a set of simple data structures that define the assumptions underlying a specific modal aerosol system. These elements are:

  • Modes: statistical representations of aerosol particle populations organized by particle size
  • Species: aerosol and gas molecules of interest. Each aerosol species belongs to a single aerosol mode and is tracked by mass and number. Gas species are assumed to be small and don't belong to modes.
  • An Aerosol Configuration: the collection of modes and species of interest within a specific modal aerosol system to be simulated

These entities define the aerosol system of interest in Haero, and provide any related metadata needed to make decisions about how an aerosol processes does its work.

Aerosol State Data

Haero deals with two distinct types of state variables:

  • Prognostic variables: variables that are evolved in time according to a system of differential equations
  • Diagnostic variables: variables that are algebraically related to other variables, whether those variables are prognostic or diagnostic

Prognostic variables are quantities that possess an initial state and are evolved forward in time by their tendencies (time derivatives). It is not possible to construct the value of a prognostic variable at time \(t\) without an initial condition at some time \(t_0\) and a tendency defined over the period \(\left[t_0, t\right]\).

The concept of a "diagnostic" variable is more general than its name suggests. The word diagnostic suggests that the variable is used only as an indicator by a human attempting to "diagnose" some atmospheric condition. In fact, a diagnostic variable can be any variable whose state can be constructed at any instant in time, using only the relevant prognostic variables. In this sense, a diagnostic variable serves as a "shared" variable that can be computed at the appropriate time, and used by one or more aerosol processes.

Haero's aerosol state data lives in multi-dimensional arrays within "smart containers":

  • The Prognostics container contains prognostic state variables specific to aerosols
  • The Atmosphere container contains a thermodynamic description of the atmosphere in which an aerosol system is embedded
  • The Diagnostics container contains a registry of diagnostic variables shared amongst various aerosol processes, and made available for output

The arrays in these data structures are stored in Kokkos Views. Aerosol state data is allocated in C++, but available for use in Fortran for implementing aerosol processes or for using Haero from within a Fortran host model. Atmospheric state data is provided by the host model.

Aerosol Processes

The aerosol "life cycle" consists of a set of complicated physical processes involving many participants, with a wide range of length and time scales. These different scales demand a degree of flexibility in how we evaluate changes to the state of an aerosol system. For example, we expect to be able to resolve processes whose time scale is similar to or larger than the time scale for convection in the atmosphere, whereas processes with faster time scales must be treated in some special way that accommodates a relaxation or equilibration process.

In Haero, an "aerosol process" accepts a set of completely specified input (prognostic and diagnostic variables, an atmospheric state, etc) and calculates a set of tendencies for prognostic aerosol and gas variables.

An aerosol process consists of a set of parameterizations that encode simplifying assumptions about a specific stage of the aerosol life cycle into an algorithm that computes the relevant quantities of interest. The processes provided by Haero, and their various parameterizations, are described in processes.

These processes are the true assets of the Haero library. They can be implemented in C++, in Fortran, or in both. This allows aerosol researchers to make their latest parameterizations available in the Haero library, while providing software engineers with a "future-proof" environment for optimizing these and other parameterizations for DOE's Leadership Class Facilities.

That's an orbit-level view of the Haero library. Now let's take a closer look at each of these aspects.

Aerosol Systems in Haero

To model a specific aerosol system in Haero, we must answer some questions:

  • How are aerosol particle sizes represented?
  • What species are present in the system, and how are their sizes reflected in the particle size distribution?
  • How is the state of an aerosol system represented mathematically?
  • How many vertical levels are needed to resolve the profile of aerosols in the system?
  • What are the relevent physical processes that describe the evolution of the aerosol system?

Each of these decisions greatly affects the nature of the system--systems with different answers to these questions can have very different behavior. Haero attempts to answer these questions with a few basic data structures.

Particle Sizes: the Mode Type

We've seen how the dynamics of aerosols can be represented mathematically by evolution equations for moments of modal distribution functions. Modes simplify the description of aerosol particles in terms of their size: instead of representing a population of particles with a distribution function \(n(V_p, \vec{x}, t)\) that varies continuously with the size of the particle, we introduced \(M\) discrete modes and declared that these modes partition the population of aerosol particles in the sense of the modal assumption as given by \refeq{modal_n}.

The essential information in a mode is the range of particle sizes it encompasses, \([D_{\min}, D_{\max}]\), and its geometric standard deviation, \(\sigma_g\). In Haero's C++ interface, we represent an aerosol mode with the Mode struct, whereas in Fortran we use the mode_t derived type:

struct Mode {
  std::string name;  // a unique identifier for the mode
  Real min_diameter; // the mode's minimum particle diameter [m]
  Real max_diameter; // the mode's maximum particle diameter [m]
  Real mean_std_dev; // the geometric mean standard deviation for the mode [m]
type :: mode_t
  ! Mode name
  character(len=:), allocatable :: name
  ! Minimum particle diameter [m]
  real(wp) :: min_diameter
  ! Maximum particle diameter [m]
  real(wp) :: max_diameter
  ! Geometric mean standard deviation [m]
  real(wp) :: mean_std_dev
end type

The log-normal PDF for each mode is defined by two quantities, the (constant) mean standard deviation contained within the Mode class, and the geometric mean. The geometric mean is a variable function of the mass mixing ratios of all species contained within the mode and the number mixing ratio of the mode itself. Since these are time-dependent variables, they are not contained in the Mode class, which is for (invariant) metadata only.

We also note that, mathematically, the log-normal size distributions of each mode do not have a maximum or minimum; they are bounded by 0 and \(\infty\). The min_diameter and max_diameter member variables should therefore not be interpreted in the context of the log-normal functions defined by e.g., \eqref{eq:log_normal_pdf_log}. Instead they represent the boundaries beyond which particles are better described by a different mode. These minimum and maximum sizes are used to trigger redistribution of particle mass and number mixing ratios between modes.

In principle, a Haero calculation can support any number of modes, but care must be taken to ensure that the modal assumptions remain valid, and that the parametrizations selected can accommodate the given modes.

Aerosol Species: the Species Type

A particle species is a specifically-identified molecular assembly with a number of relevant physical properties. The fundamental description of a species includes

  • a descriptive name (e.g. sulfate)
  • a symbolic name (e.g. SO4, for sulfate)
  • information about the chemical properties of the species

Each aerosol mode consists of one or more particle species. Additionally, gas particles also come in different species. Aerosol particles and gas particles have physical properties that are described respectively by the AerosolSpecies and GasSpecies types in C++, and the aerosol_species_t and gas_species_t derived types in Fortran.

In Haero, we represent this information in the following way:

struct AerosolSpecies {
  std::string name;          // full species name
  std::string symbol;        // abbreviated symbolic name
  Real molecular weight;     // molecular weight [g/mol]
  Real crystalization_point; // crystalization point [?]
  Real deliquescence_point;  // deliquenscence point [?]

struct GasSpecies {
  std::string name;          // full species name
  std::string symbol;        // abbreviated symbolic name
  Real molecular weight;     // molecular weight [g/mol]
type :: aerosol_species_t
  ! Species name
  character(len=:), allocatable :: name
  ! Species symbol (abbreviation)
  character(len=:), allocatable :: symbol
  ! Molecular weight [g/mol]
  real(wp) :: molecular_wt
  ! Crystalization point [?]
  real(wp) :: crystal_pt
  ! Deliquenscence point [?]
  real(wp) :: deliques_pt
end type

type :: gas_species_t
  ! Species name
  character(len=:), allocatable :: name
  ! Species symbol (abbreviation)
  character(len=:), allocatable :: symbol
  ! Molecular weight [g/mol]
  real(wp) :: molecular_wt
end type

Species and Their Sizes: the Modal Aerosol Configuration Type

We have data types that express particle sizes and particle species. Now we need something that relates these two pieces of information. In other words, we need a way to express how particles of a specific aerosol species are allowed to grow and shrink, and how that activity is reflected in our representation of particle sizes.

In the past, aerosol models have often elected to fix the modes and aerosol/gas species that they treat, in order to simplify code development. Haero instead allows a researcher to select these modes and species at runtime, allowing a far greater family of aerosol models to be represented.

class ModalAerosolConfig final {
  // Constructor -- creates a new modal aerosol configuration given all relevant
  // data.
  ModalAerosolConfig(const std::vector<Mode>& aerosol_modes,
                     const std::vector<AerosolSpecies>& aerosol_species,
                     const std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> >& mode_species,
                     const std::vector<AerosolSpecies>& gas_species);

  // The list of aerosol modes.
  std::vector<Mode> aerosol_modes;

  // The list of aerosol species.
  std::vector<Species> aerosol_species;

  // The list of gas species.
  std::vector<Species> gas_species;

  // The total number of distinct aerosol species populations in the
  // system, counting appearances of one species in different modes separately.
  int num_aerosol_populations;

  // Returns the list of aerosol species associated with the system with the
  // given mode index.
  std::vector<Species> aerosol_species_for_mode(int mode_index) const;
type :: modal_aerosol_config_t
  ! The aerosol modes in the model, in indexed order.
  type(mode_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: aerosol_modes
  ! The number of modes in the model. Equal to size(aerosol_modes).
  integer :: num_aerosol_modes
  ! The number of actual species that exist within each mode.
  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: num_mode_species
  ! population index offsets for modes.
  integer, dimension(:), allocatable :: population_offsets
  ! The total number of distinct aerosol populations.
  integer :: num_aerosol_populations
  ! The aerosol species within each mode. Indexed as (mode, species).
  type(aerosol_species_t), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: aerosol_species
  ! The gas species in the model.
  type(gas_species_t), dimension(:), allocatable :: gas_species
  ! The number of gases in the model. Equal to size(gas_species).
  integer :: num_gases
  ! Returns the maximum number of aerosol species found in any aerosol mode.
  procedure :: max_species_per_mode => m_max_species_per_mode
  ! Given the index of an aerosol population, retrieve its mode and
  ! (modal) species indices.
  procedure :: get_mode_and_species => m_get_mode_and_species
  ! Given the name of a mode, retrieve its index.
  procedure :: aerosol_mode_index => m_aerosol_mode_index
  ! Given a mode index and the symbolic name of an aerosol species, retrieve
  ! its index within that mode
  procedure :: aerosol_species_index => m_aerosol_species_index
  ! Given mode and aerosol species indices, retrieve a population index
  ! that can be used to access aerosol data.
  procedure :: population_index => m_population_index
  ! Given the symbolic name of a gas, retrieve its index.
  procedure :: gas_index => m_gas_index
end type

Once you have a modal aerosol configuration, you can answer the first two questions at the beginning of this section. Next, we look at how the state of an aerosol system is represented mathematically.

Aerosol and Atmospheric State: Container Types

Once you've described the constituents of your aerosol system with a modal aerosol configuration, you can create state variables for that system. The state of an aerosol system is defined by the following prognostic variables within the Prognostics data structure:

  • aerosol modal mass mix fraction \(q_{m,s}\): the ratio of aerosol mass to dry air mass for aerosol species \(s\) occupying mode \(m\) \(q_{m,s}\) [kg aerosol species \(s\) /kg dry air]
  • gas mass mix fraction \(q_g\): the ratio of the mass of gas species \(g\) to dry air mass [kg gas species \(g\)/kg dry air]
  • modal number concentrations \(n_m\): the total number of particles per unit mass of dry air in the mode \(m\) [# /kg dry air]

The state of the atmosphere (expressed in averaged thermodynamic quantities like pressure and temperature) greatly affects the behavior of aerosols, so this atmosphere state information is made available in the Atmosphere data structure.

Finally, the system can use a set of diagnostic variables, stored in the Diagnostics data structure, that depend on a set of aerosol processes (which are discussed in a later section).

The Prognostics, Atmosphere, and Diagnostics containers store state data in multidimensional arrays allocated in C++ but made available to both C++ and Fortran. The data for each array is stored within a Kokkos View.

Digression: Kokkos Views as Multidimensional Arrays

The C++ programming language has lots of features, but remarkably it includes no mechanism for allocating multidimensional arrays at runtime. The Kokkos C++ library fills this gap by providing a data structure called a View. A View is essentially an interface that allows a C++ programmer to treat a chunk of memory like a multidimensional array.

A View has a rank and a set of dimensions, just like an allocatable Fortran array. You access a View in the same way that you'd access a Fortran array, except that

  1. A Kokkos View uses row-major indexing instead of Fortran's column-major indexing
  2. A Kokkos View uses 0-based indexing instead of Fortran's 1-based indexing

So for a rank-3 view f that you access in C++ as f(i,j,k), you would access the corresponding array element in Fortran as f(k-1,j-1,i-1). Clear as mud? Welcome to mixed language development!

Packs and Vectorization}

Haero uses Views that consist of Pack objects instead of floating point numbers. A Pack (or just "pack" is a contiguous array of numbers that allows a modern CPU or GPU to vectorize calculations using special instructions.

When executing a vector instruction, a processor performs arithmetic on more than one number at a time within a mathematical expression. In many cases, vectorizing expressions can produce significantly faster code. The cost of this optimization is that a pack represents several numbers, not one. This can make it tricky to reason about the physical quantities stored in a pack.

Haero uses packs with a size (number of contiguously stored numbers) set at compile time by the CMake variable HAERO_PACK_SIZE. To simplify the process of reasoning about packs, Haero uses these objects one way only: in Haero a pack stores data for HAERO_PACK_SIZE vertical levels in a column. Thus, a pack contains data for exactly one variable (with the same units and physical interpretation) whose values span one or more vertical levels.

This is the easiest way for Haero to support vectorization. It does mean, however, that the number of vertical levels in a column differs in general from the number of packs spanning a vertical level. For example, a column of data with 72 vertical levels running in a Haero build with a HAERO_PACK_SIZE of 2 contains $36 = 72 / 2 $ packs in its vertical extent.

Haero-Specific Views

Because Haero is concerned with arrays having very specific dimensions, we define some named types that correspond to views/arrays that span specific spaces:

View Name Rank Description C++ Fortran
ColumnView 1 Maps a vertical level index \(k\) to a pack v(k) v(k)
SpeciesColumnView 2 Maps a population index \(p\) and a vertical level index \(k\) to a pack v(p,k) v(k,p)
ModeColumnView 2 Maps a mode index \(m\) and a vertical level index \(k\) to a pack v(m,k) v(k,m)

The Prognostics, Atmosphere, and Diagnostics containers described below make use of these named types.

Prognostics Type

The Prognostics type provides access to prognostic variables that describe aerosols in a modal description. Here's the essential information for the C++ and Fortran interfaces (abbreviated for brevity---see the full interfaces in haero/prognostics.hpp and haero/haero.F90):

class Prognostics final {
  // Returns the number of aerosol modes in the system.
  int num_aerosol_modes() const;

  // Returns the number of aerosol species in the mode with the given index.
  int num_aerosol_species(int mode_index) const;

  // Returns the number of gas species in the system.
  int num_gas_species() const;

  // Returns the number of vertical levels in the system.
  int num_levels() const;

  // Returns the view storing interstitial aerosol species mass mixing fraction
  // data.
  const SpeciesColumnView& interstitial_aerosols() const;

  // Returns the view storing cloud-borne aerosol species mass mixing fraction
  // data.
  const SpeciesColumnView& cloudborne_aerosols() const;

  // Returns the view storing mass mixing fraction data for gas species.
  const SpeciesColumnView& gases() const;

  // Returns the view storing modal number concentrations.
  const ModeColumnView& modal_num_concs() const;

  // Scales the given set of tendencies and adds it into this state, summing
  // the values of the prognostic variables in place.
  void scale_and_add(Real scale_factor, const Tendencies& tendencies);
type :: prognostics_t
  ! Access to interstitial aerosol mix fractions array (no dummy arguments)
  procedure :: interstitial_aerosols => p_int_aero_mix_frac
  ! Access to cloudborne aerosol mix fractions array (no dummy arguments)
  procedure :: cloudborne_aerosols => p_cld_aero_mix_frac
  ! Access to gas mix fractions array (no dummy arguments)
  procedure :: gases => p_gas_mix_frac
  ! Access to modal number concentrations array (no dummy arguments)
  procedure :: modes => p_modal_num_concs
end type

Typically, you never modify a Prognostics variable directly. Instead, you compute a set of tendencies in a Tendencies variable and accumulate them into your Prognostics variable by calling scale_and_add.

Atmosphere Type

The Atmosphere type stores a fixed set of state variables that describe the atmosphere, such as

  • temperature [K]
  • pressure [Pa]
  • relative humidity [-]
  • heights at level interfaces [m]

Each of these variables are stored in ColumnView objects whose memory is managed by the host model. Here's how the interfaces look:

Diagnostics Type

The Diagnostics type stores a dynamically-determined set of diagnostic variables that correspond to the specific parameterizations available to a specific aerosol system. The variables are identified by unique tokens that can be retrieved by name.

class Diagnostics final {
  // Returns the number of aerosol modes in the system.
  int num_aerosol_modes() const;

  // Returns the number of aerosol species in the mode with the given index.
  int num_aerosol_species(int mode_index) const;

  // Returns the number of gas species in the system.
  int num_gas_species() const;

  // Returns the number of vertical levels in the system.
  int num_levels() const;

  // Returns a unique token that identifies the given (non-modal) variable
  // within this object. Returns VAR_NOT_FOUND if this variable does not exist.
  Token find_var(const std::string& name) const;

  // Returns the view storing the diagnostic variable with a name corresponding
  // to the given token. If such a variable does not exist, this throws an
  // exception.
  ColumnView& var(const Token token);

  // Returns a unique token that identifies the given modal aerosol variable
  // within this object. Returns VAR_NOT_FOUND if this variable does not exist.
  Token find_aerosol_var(const std::string& name) const;

  // Returns the view storing the modal aerosol diagnostic variable with a name
  // corresponding to the given token. If such a variable does not exist, this
  // throws an exception.
  SpeciesColumnView& aerosol_var(const Token token);

  // Returns a unique token that identifies the given gas variable within this
  // object. Returns VAR_NOT_FOUND if this variable does not exist.
  Token find_gas_var(const std::string& name) const;

  // Returns the view storing the gas diagnostic variable with a name
  // corresponding to the given token. If such a variable does not exist, this
  // throws an exception.
  SpeciesColumnView& gas_var(const Token token);

  // Returns a unique token that identifies the given modal variable within
  // this object. Returns VAR_NOT_FOUND if this variable does not exist.
  Token find_modal_var(const std::string& name) const;

  // Returns the view storing the mode-specific diagnostic variable with a name
  // corresponding to the given token. If such a variable does not exist, this
  // throws an exception.
  ModeColumnView& modal_var(const Token token);
type :: diagnostics_t
  ! Returns a token that can be used to retrieve a variable with the given
  ! name from a diagnostics object, or var_not_found (-1) if no such variable
  ! exists.
  procedure :: find_var(name) -> token
  ! Provides access to the given (non-modal) variable in the given
  ! diagnostics object, given its token
  procedure :: var(token) -> array pointer
  ! Returns a token that can be used to retrieve an aerosol variable with the
  ! given name and mode from a diagnostics object, or var_not_found (-1) if no such
  ! variable exists.
  procedure :: find_aerosol_var(name) -> token
  ! Provides access to the given (non-modal) variable in the given
  ! diagnostics object, given its token.
  procedure :: aerosol_var(token) -> array pointer
  ! Returns a token that can be used to retrieve a gas variable with the
  ! given name from a diagnostics object, or var_not_found (-1) if no such
  ! variable exists.
  procedure :: find_gas_var(name) -> token
  ! Provides access to the given gas variable in the given diagnostics object,
  ! given its token.
  procedure :: gas_var(token) -> array pointer
  ! Returns a token that can be used to retrieve a modal variable with the
  ! given name from a diagnostics object, or var_not_found (-1) if no such
  ! variable exists.
  procedure :: has_modal_var(name) -> token
  ! Provides access to the given modal variable in the given
  ! diagnostics object, given its token.
  procedure :: modal_var(token) -> array pointer
end type

At this point, you might wonder how a Diagnostics variable knows which variables it needs. In fact, the Diagnostics type provides functions for creating variables that it needs when it needs them.

For examples of how the Prognostics, Atmosphere, and Diagnostics types are used in practice, take a look at one of the existing aerosol process implementations.

Aerosol Processes in Haero

The aerosol life cycle consists of several important and distinct physical processes. Haero offers a data structures that makes it very easy to implement such a process. Because the structure of a given process doesn't depend on the details of its implementation, we can define an abstract interface to simplify its implementation. Instead of designing a new process from the ground up every time you want to add new functionality to Haero, you can simply implement a small number of functions (or subroutines) that define the behavior of a process, and let the Haero library handle the details of how these processes are created and used (and where they run).

For detailed descriptions of the specific processes provided by Haero, take a look at the Aerosol Processes section. You can find examples of source code for Haero's processes in the haero/processes subdirectory.

The Aerosol Process Interface

An aerosol process has three behaviors which must be defined by any implementation. Each of these behaviors is implemented in a C++ function or a Fortran subroutine.

  • initialization: the process must be able to allocate any resources it needs to do its work. These resources include temporary work arrays, look-up tables, and quantities that need to be precomputed. State data is not managed by processes, so it's not included in process initialization. If nothing needs to be done for initialization, its function or subroutine body can be empty.
  • running: the process must know how to "run". In other words, it must define a procedure for computing tendencies for a relevant set of prognostic variables given their current values at a specific simulation time, along with the current values of any diagnostic variables. The function or subroutine that implements this behavior does not apply these tendencies to any prognostic variables---it simply computes the tendencies and returns.
  • finalization: at the end of a simulation program, when the aerosol system is destroyed, the process must free all resources it allocated in its initialization. If no resources are allocated, the function or subroutine body implementing finalization can be empty.

In addition, the process may support named parameters that can be set to specific values. Some examples of these kinds of parameters are

  • Integer-valued parameters that select one of several supported algorithms
  • Boolean flags for enabling or disabling features
  • Real-valued scale factors for quantities based on tuning or assumptions
  • String-valued parameters (just in case they're helpful)

Haero provides an object-oriented approach for implementing a process in terms of this simple interface. In an object-oriented approach, an abstract interface is encoded in a "base class"--a data type that declares the necessary functions and subroutines. Then any implementation of this interface is defined in a derived class: a type derived from that base class.

Haero uses the object-oriented features of C++ for process development. All aerosol process implementations are derived from a C++ base class called AerosolProcess. This is true regardless of whether you implement the process using C++ or Fortran.

The AerosolProcess provides the following interface (see haero/aerosol_process.hpp for more details):

class AerosolProcess {

  // Constructor, called by all AerosolProcess subclasses.
  explicit AerosolProcess(const std::string& name):
   name_(name) {}

  // Destructor.
  virtual ~AerosolProcess() {}

  // Initializes the process with the aerosol configuration.
  void init(const ModalAerosolConfig& config);

  // Runs the process at the given time with the given aerosol data and the
  // given Kokkos thread team.
  void run(const TeamType& team, Real t, Real dt,
           const Prognostics& prognostics, const Atmosphere& atmosphere,
           const Diagnostics& diagnostics, Tendencies& tendencies) const;

  // Set named integer, boolean, and real-valued parameters.
  void set_param(const std::string& name, int value);
  void set_param(const std::string& name, bool value);
  void set_param(const std::string& name, Real value);

  // On host: copies this aerosol process to the device, returning a
  // pointer to the copy.
  AerosolProcess* copy_to_device() const;

  // On host: call this static method to delete a copy of the process
  // that has been created on a device.
  static void delete_on_device(AerosolProcess* device_process);


  // Override this method if your aerosol process needs to be initialized
  // with information about the system. The default implementation does nothing.
  virtual void init_(const ModalAerosolConfig& config) {}

  // Override this method to implement the aerosol process using the specific
  // parameterization for the subclass.
  virtual void run_(Real t, Real dt,
                    const Prognostics& prognostics,
                    const Atmosphere& atmosphere,
                    const Diagnostics& diagnostics,
                    Tendencies& tendencies) const = 0;

  // Override these methods to set a parameter to a given value based on its
  // name.
  virtual void set_param_(const std::string& name, int value) {}
  virtual void set_param_(const std::string& name, bool value) {}
  virtual void set_param_(const std::string& name, Real value) {}

In addition to the "constructor" function used to create an instance of a AerosolProcess and the interface functions for initializing, running, and setting parameters, the interface declares protected methods with underscores after their names. These are the methods you must override in order to define the behaviors of the aerosol process. Make sure you document any supported parameters (recognized by your set_param methods).

The constructor accepts a single argument: a string containing the name of the aerosol process. This can be helpful for debugging.

Digression: running aerosol processes on a GPU

Haero is designed to allow aerosol physics to be computed on CPUs or GPUs, with different levels of parallelism. Running code on a GPU is tricky, because the data it uses must be copied to memory allocated on the GPU itself. In fact, a process object itself must be allocated on the GPU in order for the code to run there.

The process of allocating this memory on the GPU is esoteric and confusing. Haero solves this problem by inserting an intermediary class between your derived class and the AerosolProcess class. This intermediary class is named DeviceAerosolProcess. It uses C++'s curiously recurring template pattern to add all the necessary logic for your class to run on a GPU.

The way it works is this:

  • An object for your process class is allocated and initialized (via init) on the CPU by an atmospheric host model.
  • The host model calls the copy_to_device method to obtain a copy of the object that lives on the GPU. This method uses a copy constructor defined by your process class to copy itself from the CPU to the GPU.
  • The host model invokes your GPU-resident object's run method within a Kokkos parallel dispatch as needed, passing it a Kokkos thread team that determines the number of threads available witin the method.
  • When the calculation is finished, the host model calls the delete_on_device static method, passing it the GPU-resident object to deallocate it from the GPU.

The most important thing to remember here is that init is called on the CPU, whether or not you intend to run your process on the GPU. You must use the init method to record any information from the ModalAerosolConfig object that defines your simulation, because ModalAerosolConfig variables cannot reside on the GPU. Parameters are also set (using set_param) on the CPU, not the GPU.

Let's explore how we might implement an aerosol process in C++ and in Fortran. Here we describe only the steps needed to implement the process itself. You must also test your process to make sure it behaves the way you think it does! The procedure for testing an aerosol process is described in the Testing section.

C++ aerosol processes

In C++, all you have to do in order to implement an aerosol process is to define a class with a specific name. For concreteness, let's examine a process named SimpleNucleationProcess, which lives in haero/processes/simple_nucleation_process.hpp and haero/processes/simple_nucleation_process.cpp.

To allow your process to reside on a CPU or GPU, your derive your class from the DeviceAerosolProcess. This class accepts a single template parameter: your class. So in our example, you would derive SimpleNucleationProcess from DeviceAerosolProcess<SimpleNucleationProcess>. This curiously recursive trick, in which the type of the intermediary class depends on the type of its descendent, gives the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern its name. Let's not worry about how it works for now.

Before we go any further, some terminology: a C++ class derived from a base class is called a subclass of that base class. So MyProcess is a subclass of DeviceAerosolProcess<SimpleNucleationProcess>, which is itself a subclass of the base class AerosolProcess.

To create a C++ implemention for an aerosol process:

  1. Create a header file that declares your subclass. This header file must declare a class constructor, a copy constructor, a destructor, and the overridable init_ and run_ functions. If you want to support configurable parameters, declare whatever versions of set_param_ you need. Implement your
  2. Implement your copy constructor, your destructor, and your run_ method in the header file, declaring each with the KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION macro. This allows them to be called on a GPU.
  3. Create a source file containing implementations for the remaining methods (the constructor, the init_ method, and any set_param_ methods you need). See haero/processes/simple_nucleation_process.cpp, for example.
  4. Add your source file to the set of source files in the PROCESS_SOURCES variable in haero/processes/CMakeLists.txt.
  5. Write one or more tests for your new aerosol process. The Testing section provides details about how to do this.

Fortran aerosol processes

A Fortran aerosol process implementation consists of a Fortran module that contains init, run, and finalize subroutines that implement the same functionality as their C++ counterparts:

  use haero, only: wp, modal_aerosol_config_t, prognostics_t, atmosphere_t, &
                   diagnostics_t, tendencies_t
  implicit none

  ! Aerosol process interface subroutines
  public :: init, run, finalize

  ! Parameter setting subroutines
  public :: set_integer_param, set_logical_param, set_real_param

  ! Module variables, including settable parameters
  integer :: my_option
  logical :: my_flag
  real(wp) :: my_scale_factor

  ! SAVE keyword for retaining module variables


subroutine init(config)
  implicit none

  ! Arguments
  type(modal_aerosol_config_t), intent(in) :: config

end subroutine

subroutine run(t, dt, prognostics, atmosphere, diagnostics, tendencies)
  implicit none

  ! Arguments
  real(wp), value, intent(in)       :: t
  real(wp), value, intent(in)       :: dt
  type(prognostics_t), intent(in)   :: prognostics
  type(atmosphere_t), intent(in)    :: atmosphere
  type(diagnostics_t), intent(in)   :: diagnostics
  type(tendencies_t), intent(inout) :: tendencies

end subroutine

subroutine finalize()
  implicit none

end subroutine

subroutine set_integer_param(name, val)
  implicit none

  ! Arguments
  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
  integer, intent(in)          :: val

  if (trim(name) == "my_option") then
    my_option = val
  end if
end subroutine

subroutine set_logical_param(name, val)
  implicit none

  ! Arguments
  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
  logical, intent(in)          :: val

  if (trim(name) == "my_flag") then
    my_flag = val
  end if
end subroutine

subroutine set_real_param(name, val)
  implicit none

  ! Arguments
  character(len=*), intent(in) :: name
  real(wp), intent(in)         :: val

  if (trim(name) == "my_scale_factor") then
    my_scale_factor = val
  end if
end subroutine


end module

In Fortran, you must implement subroutines for set_integer_param, set_logical_param, and set_real_param, even if your process doesn't support settable parameters.

To implement an aerosol process in Fortran, you create such a module in a Fortran source file and then declare it as a faerosol_process in the CMakeLists.txt file within the haero/processes subdirectory. There are instructions on how to declare your process in that file.

For example, the Fortran MAM nucleation process is implemented in a Fortran module named mam_nucleation, implemented in the source file haero/processes/mam_nucleation.F90. In haero/processes/CMakeLists.txt, it's declared as a Fortran aerosol process the following way:

  faerosol_process(MAMNucleationFProcess NucleationProcess mam_nucleation)

The declaration takes three arguments:

  • The name of a C++ class that will be created that exposes the Fortran implementation of the process
  • The C++ enumerated type that identifies what kind of aerosol process is being implemented
  • The name of the Fortran module that implements the process

The build system automatically generates a C++ class for the Fortran module that allows the process to be used in a Haero simulation. The name of this C++ class is important for exposing it to the Haero library.

Once you've done these things and rebuilt Haero, your new aerosol process implementation is available for use.

Diagnostic Functions

Aerosol processes compute tendencies for prognostic variables. But how are diagnostic variables updated? These variables are quite different in nature from their prognostic counterparts:

  • they depend algebraically on prognostic variables and other diagnostic variables
  • they are updated in place instead of being evolved in time by differential equations
  • they are often shared/needed by several distinct aerosol processes, and at various points in time, depending on a given process ordering

Because of these considerations, it's not clear that we can update more than a single diagnostic variable at once. To do so implies a knowledge of how the aerosol processes are invoked during a time step, and Haero does not make any such decision on behalf of a host model. This means we must provide a diagnostic variable update mechanism that is flexible but easy to understand. This mechanism, which updates a single diagnostic variable, is called a diagnostic function.

Unlike aerosol processes, which have multiple behaviors associated with initialization, finalization, and the execution of the process itself, a diagnostic function only ever does one thing: it takes a set of input and uses it to update its diagnostic variable. In other words, it has no internal state of its own---it's just a function that you can call whenever you need to update a particular diagnostic variable.